001    package com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime;
003    import com.sun.jna.IntegerType;
004    import com.sun.jna.Native;
005    import com.sun.jna.Platform;
007    /**
008     * 'size_t' C type (32 bits on 32 bits platforms, 64 bits on 64 bits platforms).
009     * Can be also used to model the 'long' C type for libraries known to be compiled with GCC or LLVM even on Windows.
010     * (NativeLong on Windows is only okay with MSVC++ libraries, as 'long' on Windows 64 bits will be 32 bits with MSVC++ and 64 bits with GCC/mingw)
011     * @author ochafik
012     */
013    public class NativeSize extends IntegerType {
014            /** Size of a size_t integer, in bytes. */
015        public static final int SIZE = Native.SIZE_T_SIZE;//Platform.is64Bit() ? 8 : 4;
017        /** Create a zero-valued Size. */
018        public NativeSize() {
019            this(0);
020        }
022        /** Create a Size with the given value. */
023        public NativeSize(long value) {
024            super(SIZE, value);
025        }
026    }