Uses of Class

Packages that use Pointer

Uses of Pointer in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime

Methods in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime that return Pointer
 Pointer StructureType.getPointer()

Methods in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime with parameters of type Pointer
 S Union.use(Pointer m)
 StructureType StructureType.use(Pointer p)
 S Structure.use(Pointer m)
 S Union.use(Pointer m, long byteOffset)
 S Structure.use(Pointer m, long byteOffset)

Constructors in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime with parameters of type Pointer
StringPointer(Pointer p)
StringPointer(Pointer p, int offset)
WStringPointer(Pointer p)
WStringPointer(Pointer p, int offset)

Uses of Pointer in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.globals

Fields in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.globals declared as Pointer
protected  Pointer Global.pointer

Methods in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.globals that return Pointer
 Pointer GlobalPointer.get()
protected  Pointer Global.getPointer()

Methods in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.globals with parameters of type Pointer
 void GlobalPointer.set(Pointer v)

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.jna

Fields in com.sun.jna declared as Pointer
static Pointer Pointer.NULL
          Convenience constant, same as null.

Methods in com.sun.jna that return Pointer
static Pointer Pointer.createConstant(long peer)
          Convenience constant, equivalent to (void*)-1.
static Pointer PointerUtils.fromAddress(long peer)
static Pointer CallbackReferenceHack.getFunctionPointer(Callback cb)
 Pointer Structure.getPointer()
          Return a Pointer object to this structure.
 Pointer Pointer.getPointer(long offset)
          Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to pointer.
 Pointer[] Pointer.getPointerArray(long base)
          Returns an array of Pointer.
 Pointer[] Pointer.getPointerArray(long offset, int arraySize)
          Returns an array of Pointer of the requested size.
 Pointer Pointer.share(long offset)
 Pointer Pointer.share(long offset, long sz)
          Provide a view of this pointer with a different peer base.

Methods in com.sun.jna with parameters of type Pointer
protected  void Structure.cacheTypeInfo(Pointer p)
static long PointerUtils.getAddress(Pointer p)
static Callback CallbackReferenceHack.getCallback(Class<?> type, Pointer p)
static Object BitFields.getPrimitiveValue(Pointer pointer, long offset, int bitOffset, int bits, Class type)
 void offset, Pointer[] buf, int index, int length)
          Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
 void Pointer.setPointer(long offset, Pointer value)
          Set value at location being pointed to.
static boolean BitFields.setPrimitiveValue(Pointer pointer, long offset, int bitOffset, int bits, Object value, Class type)
protected  void Structure.useMemory(Pointer m)
          Set the memory used by this structure.
protected  void Structure.useMemory(Pointer m, int offset)
          Set the memory used by this structure.
 void Pointer.write(long bOff, Pointer[] buf, int index, int length)
          Write the given array of Pointer to native memory.

Constructors in com.sun.jna with parameters of type Pointer
Structure(Pointer p)
          Create a structure cast onto pre-allocated memory.
Structure(Pointer p, int alignment)
Structure(Pointer p, int alignment, TypeMapper mapper)

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